Sunday, November 6, 2011

10-30-11 Durham auction in Tappahannock

Here we go again another fun Sunday in tappahannock at Durhams auction in tappahannock. As usual a lot of fun in tappahannock on a Sunday.If you have not read my other posts let me tell you that this is a fun auction a clean building and a good time.This week was not one of his better auctions with not much good product but this happens from time to time with any auction house.This is a place i go to a lot. They have 2 auctioneers Mr.Durham and Mr.Quinn and they go thru product quickly.This week was not one of their best auctions but still not a bad way to spend a chilly Sunday afternoon.If ya live in the area and haven't been here put it on your to do list.

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