Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10-09-11 Cox and Graves auction at the Fredericksburg fairgrounds

This is a auction I go to just about every time they have it which is once or twice a month.The auctioneers Bo Cox and Glen Graves are both good auctioneers.They had their usual stuff outside cars and trucks and boats and mowers inside the first building was the usual array of flea market yard sale type stuff. The stuff in the first building is sold in box lots and sometimes groups of boxes and you can really get some good deals sometimes if ya find a treasure in a box.Between the first and second building is a area with tools tool boxes mowers and other yard type tools and stuff like tires etc.In the second building is where they have the better glassware and furniture and anything that is a little better quality.They also almost always have guns and coins for sale. This is a big auction that starts at 10:00am and ends in the afternoon. They really go thru a bunch of product here. I did not see anything i wanted this time and left before auction got started so I can't really say how it went. One thing that is good is they usually do start on time and like i said can move pretty quick tho with the amount of product it sometimes seems like it takes forever to get to the items you want.As with most auctions that sell coins or guns they both seem to take a lot of time to sell. If you have some free time on a Sunday when they are having it, it's worth stopping by and seeing what they have.

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